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AKA How to beat humidity!

Devour by: 7 days after purchase
How to Store: The Gals’ Hot Tip – Keep
it in the fridge and eat it cold. It’s fantastic!
Or, if you plan to rewarm, leave pie on the counter for up to 5 days.
How to Rewarm: Place room
temperature pie on a baking sheet and warm at 250 F for approximately 10 minutes.

Devour by: 5 days after purchase
How to store: Keep at room
temperature for up to 2 days. If for some unimaginable reason, you have not
polished off the pie by then, refrigerate in the box.
How to rewarm: Let pie come to room
temperature. Set on a baking sheet in a 300 F oven. Warm for approximately 20 minutes. Allow pie to cool slightly before serving.

Devour by: 3 days after purchase
How to store: Keep in fridge. Best eaten within 3 days of purchase.

Devour by:4 days after purchase
How to store:Day 1: cool room temp on your kitchen counter
Day 2+: move to fridge, especially if you live in a warm climate like New Orleans

Devour by:5 days after purchase
How to store:Keep in refrigerator.
Rewarming:Take pie from fridge and place it on a baking sheet. Bake at 400º F for 40-45 minutes. Allow to cool slightly before serving. For a 6" pie, 35-40 minutes usually does the trick. Internal temperature should reach 165°F.